Saturday, May 3, 2008

Week 6

I think it is interesting how Augustine talks about all of the scripture interpreting itself and how you should use clearer more concrete passages to interpret the more ambiguous ones. It is quite an ingenious concept in terms of defending scripture. Augustine could use this concept to defend many parts of the Bible that are said to be unclear or contradictory. He basically says that when parts conflict, the clearer part is true and can be used to somehow explain the less clear part. The concept of looking at the Bible as a whole unit is much different than what we did with the psalms. Augustine looks at the Bible as a unit that can be used to explain itself, which is interesting. Today, many Christian scholars write whole books commenting on the Bible and their interpretations of it, which is quite different from Augustine's approach. Augustine would probably disapprove of these sorts of books, stating that the Bible alone is enough to understand God's word and that some parts are difficult/complicated for a reason.

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